SPI Building

Project Name: SPI Building

Consultant: Building Construction Management Co, Ltd.

Service Activity: Design of Structural Works

  • Project Consultant & Construction Supervision
  • Q.S & Cost Control thoroughout Construction Period

Associated Firm:

  • Casa Architect Co.,Ltd. — Architectural Design
  • Janapol Engineering Co.,Ltd. — M&E Design


  • Engineering and Construction Pcl. (Sino Thai) — Building Works
  • Sangpradit Engineering Co.,Ltd. — M&E Works

Project Owner: S.P. International Co.Ltd.

Location: Phaholyothin Road, Payathai, Bangkok, Thailand

Primary Client:

  • IBM (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. Building A
  • American Express, Foremost Building B

Construction Area: 53,000 Sq.m.

Land Area: 4 Rai

Construction Cost: 460 Millions Baht, Excluding all Interior Work (At the time being)

Construction Period: 1986 - 1988

Project Description: A Office Building for rental space consisting of 2 major high rise

R.C. Building

Building A is a 15 – storey R.C. Building with 1 - level of semi basement for Machine – Room under ground water tank & small detail. The major rental client is IBM (Thailand) which occupied almost 70% of the total space.

Building B is a 21 – storey R.C. Building with 1 – level of common semi – basement to building A. The major rental client are American Express (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. and Friesland Foods Foremost (Thailand) Pcl.


Interested Point of Discussion:

1. Piling Selection

1.1 To minimize construction cost when compare to bored – pile (dry process) which is costing almost double the cost of convention driven pile at the time being (1986) , consequently, solid section of R.C. driven pile was selected for the foundation of building A & B

  • Solid .45 x .45 x 24.0 m. / 945 No.
  • Working load = 90 tons/pile
  • Total soil displacement = 4,590 m.3

1.2 Environmental Impact Noise pollution is not a problem at the time or construction since there is only one Thai Farmer Bank Building (Kbank) as neighboring . However, soil displacement with the volume of nearly 4,600 m3 of replacement soil by the solid pile is really a severe problem. That may damage to the nearly fencing and internal roadway of the Thai Farmer Bank (Kbank) including the possible up-heave of the frontage of Phaholyothin Road. To Present all the possible afore-said problem, a series of preventive measures were employed.

1.3 A careful pile – driving sequence had been planned with regularily monitoring the changing of leveling in the nearby pile driving area, to ensure the soil displacement is under controlled to risen only on the vertical direction, and to produce only minimal sides movement . During the 4 month period of piling process the result appeared very much satisfaction with ground level risen ranging from 0.30 m. to 0.80 m. had been recorded.

1.4 All driven piles which are within 10.00 m. next from the boundary fencing of the Thai Farmer (Kbank) , were pre-bored up to the depth of 12.00 m., to minimize the soft clay movement toward the boundary fencing direction. After 22 years of construction, too the fence still exist in the vertical direction.

2. Solid – Facade portion selection

2.1 Brick wall construction was finally decide to replaced normal R.C. external wall ( U - shape portion) due to the cost saving reason which reduced the project cost up-to 10 million baht is concerned as a major issue as the time being.

2.2  In order to provide a monolithic waterproofing solid-brick wall,  prevention of future temperature and shrinkage crackes have to be properly treated.

2.2.1 Inserting of dowelled bar between  R.C. beam and cast into the hollows  brick have to be carefully placed and treated under skilled workmanship minor R.C. enclosure and lintel to confine and framing the brick wall as a solid piece is also vital to make to wall solid.   A session of  pre- trained program and occasionally correction trainings were exercised during the construction time. Today , the white solid-wall still shinning and still proved as a water permeable-resisting  wall  for its 20 years servicing time.




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