Action Plan to Rectify the Hydraulic Impact and River Bank Erosion Caused by Bang Pakong Dam

Project Name: Action Plan to Rectify the Hydraulic Impact and River Bank Erosion Caused  by Bang Pakong Dam

Name of Company: Progress Technology Consultants Co.,Ltd.

Name of Associated Firm: Tesco Co., Ltd. (for economics and environmental studies)

Services provided by PTC: Feasibility study on the impact of the dam operation on hydraulic, soil mechanic, and water quality condition. Action plan and detailed design on impact mitigation measures

Location: Chachengsao Province, Thailand

Name of Client: Royal Irrigation Department

Type of Service: Feasibility study, economics and environmental studies, and detailed design

Project Cost: 465.86 million baht

Duration: Oct. 2001 - Sept. 2003

Project Description: A Study to formulate an action plan to rectify the hydraulic impact and river bank erosion caused by Bang Pakong Dam. The project area covers Bang Pakong River and related waterways which are affected by the Bang Pakong Dam gate operation.The services provided include :

  • Identify the causes of the collapse of riverbank downstream of the dam by analyzing the changes in hydraulic behavior and study saline intrusion from dam operation, as well as morphological and water quality changes.
  • Study to identify appropriate operation of dam gates and evaluate the impact from the recommended operation Identify the options to rectify hydraulic and water quality impact and saline intrusion for both upstream and downstream of the dam. Structural measures should be considered. Formulate an action plan, identify the related costs and propose implementation plan.
  • Conduct economic analysis.
  • Carry out the detailed design for the recommended rectifying measure. Prepare a manual for dam gate operation.
  • Study the telemetry system for flow measurement and water quality monitoring for both upstream and downstream of the dam.
  • Conduct a public relation campaign and a public hearing.

Project Highlight:

  • Successful employment of One and Multi-dimensional mathematical models to evaluate impacts on hydraulic, soil mechanic, morphology, salinity and water quality condition of a tidal river which is one of the most complex situation for river modeling.
  • Combination of participatory approaches (i.e., socio-economic survey, public relation campaign and public hearing) and engineering solutions are used to formulate an all-win solution for environmentalists, fresh/brackish water stakeholders, and RID on Bang Pakong Dam usage.
  • Regulating (throttling) the dam gates, using signals from telemetering stations both upstream and downstream of the river, is an innovative idea on tidal barrage operation, which can keep water levels along the river within their natural ranges to mitigate the impact on bank stability, flood and water quality condition while maximize the use of fresh water.

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